Archive / Ellen Neel Carving, "Kwakiutl Indian Carving Totempole"

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  1. Ellen Neel Carving “Kwakiutl Indian CarvingTotempole,” 1953
Item Details

Title: [Ellen Neel Carving, "Kwakiutl Indian Carving Totempole"]

Artist: Ellen Neel

Date: 1953

Format: Photograph [black and white print]

Location: City of Vancouver Archives

Fonds: CVA 180-2361

More Information:  Collection of the Pacific National Exhibition Place, Courtesy of the City of Vancouver Archives, CVA 180-2361.

Further Research: Aboriginal Art in the Sixties
  1. 09. Ballerina Maria Tallchief with Ellen Neel and Totem Pole
    Ellen Neel (Photograph)
  2. 10. Robert Davidson carving at Expo 67’
    Robert Davidson (Photograph)
  3. 11. Haida Spirit
    Pat McGuire  (Painting)
  4. 12. Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer carving the frontal board of Haida Mortuary pole
    Doug Cranmer and Bill Reid (Photograph)
  5. 13. Robert Davidson carving totem pole at "Man in His World"
    Robert Davidson (Photograph)
  6. 14. Indian Cultural Society Holds Vancouver Fete, Native Voice, April 1963
  7. 15. Hunter Lewis introducing Mungo Martin at the opening of Totem Park
    Mungo Martin (Photograph)