Search Results / “clipping”
- 01. City Visualized as Media Capital, Vancouver Sun, April 15, 1967
Intermedia (Ephemera)
- 02. The New Alchemy, artscanada, June 1968
Joseph Kyle (Ephemera)
- 03. How To Drive An Art Lover Dotty, Vancouver Sun, April 9, 1969
Herb Gilbert (Ephemera)
- 04. Flashing Sculpture Clicks: Poet Makes Contact With Love, Independent Journal, October 29, 1963
Gerd Stern (Ephemera)
- 05. A Poetry Machine at the S.F. Museum, The San Francisco Chronicle, October 30, 1963
Gerd Stern (Ephemera)
- 06. A Landmark of a Flop, San Francisco Chronicle, November 13, 1963
Gerd Stern (Ephemera)
- 07. Carr Brushes Go East, Vancouver Province, January 4, 1967
George Clutesi (Ephemera)
- 08. Indian Painter Chief Exhibitor: Banquet Opens Port Alberni Show - Lawren Harris Officiates, Vancouver Province, September 20, 1944
Palette (Ephemera)
- 09. Danish Museum To Get Totem Pole From City, Vancouver Province, January 20, 1944
Ellen Neel and Palette (Ephemera)
- 10. Indian paints his history, Vancouver Province, March 21, 1964
Nikki Moir and Chief Henry Speck (Ephemera)
- 11. Tillicum Club: Talented Young Artist, Vancouver Province, July 17, 1947
Judith Morgan (Ephemera)
- 12. Thunderbird Totem Heading for Wales, Native Voice, May 1954
Ted Neel (Ephemera)
- 13. Popular Jay Silverheels, Native Voice, December 1960
Jay Silverheels (Ephemera)
- 14. Haida Argillite Carver Robert Davidson, Native Voice, June 1954
Mungo Martin and Bill Reid (Ephemera)
- 15. Young Native Folk look forward to..., Native Voice, February 1963
- 16. Haida Argillite Carver Robert Davidson, Native Voice, April, 1962
Robert Davidson (Ephemera)
- 17. Indian Cultural Society Holds Vancouver Fete, Native Voice, April 1963
- 18. Indian artist dies at 27 from heroin, Vancouver Sun, December 11, 1970
Pat McGuire and Stan Shillington (Ephemera)
- 19. BC Indian Leader Predicts Large Migration to Cities, Vancouver Sun, May 17, 1967
- 20. Indians to Get New Home Grants, Vancouver Sun, May 16, 1967
- 21. Indian Art, Vancouver Sun, July 6, 1948
Ellen Neel and Ted Neel (Ephemera)
- 22. Children with "Son of Raven, Son of Deer" book written by George Clutesi, The Vancouver Sun, July 14, 1967
George Clutesi (Ephemera)
- 23. Screening the Films, Vancouver Sun, September 17, 1953
Clyde Gilmour and David Neel (Ephemera)
- 24. What the Heck Says Mr. Speck: The Chief Gives a Tootle for the Talents of Kwakiutl, Vancouver Sun, March 24, 1961
Chief Henry Speck (Ephemera)
- 25. Education Creating Leaders for Indians, Scholars Told, Vancouver Sun, January 31, 1969
Robert Davidson (Ephemera)
- 26. “Arts of the Raven†opening reception, Vancouver Art Gallery
Doris Shadbolt (Ephemera)
- 27. "Our Beautiful West Coast Thing", artscanada, June/July, 1971
Tom Burrows and Gary Lee-Nova (Ephemera)
- 28. Mudflats Dwelling... last refuge of the squatters, Vancouver Sun, February 23, 1973
Bob Hunter (Ephemera)