Archive / Totem Poles and Long Houses at the University of British Columbia

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  1. Totem Poles and Long Houses at the University of British Columbia
Item Details

Title: Totem Poles and Long Houses at the University of British Columbia

Format: Photograph

Location: VPL Special Collections

Fonds: Historical Photographs, VPL #85817

More Information:   Collection of the Vancouver Public Library, Special Collections, VPL 85817.

Further Research: Aboriginal Art in the Sixties
  1. 09. Meeting at Intermedia on Beatty Street
    Werner Aellen, James Barber, Michael de Courcy, and Dennis Vance (Photograph)
  2. 10. Exit Mural
    Intermedia  (Photograph)
  3. 11. Indians to Get New Home Grants, Vancouver Sun, May 16, 1967
  4. 12. Festival of the Contemporary Arts 1965
    Abraham Rogatnick (Ephemera)
  5. 13. Icon 1266-1966
    Audrey Capel Doray (Painting)
  6. 14. Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer carving cedar log in Totem Park
    Doug Cranmer and Bill Reid (Photograph)
  7. 15. Indian Cultural Society Holds Vancouver Fete, Native Voice, April 1963