Archive / Exhibition Catalogue: 955,000

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  1. Exhibition Catalogue: 955,000, 1970
  2. Exhibition Catalogue: 955,000, 1970
  3. Exhibition Catalogue: 955,000, 1970
  4. Exhibition Catalogue: 955,000, 1970
  5. Exhibition Catalogue: 955,000, 1970
  1. Images:
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Item Details

Title: Exhibition Catalogue: 955,000

Artist: Christos Dikeakos

Curator: Lucy Lippard

Date: 1970

Format: Ephemera

Location: Collection of Christos Dikeakos

Size: 15.24 × 10.16 cm

More Information: A selection of index cards forming the catalogue for the exhibition 955,000 at the Vancouver Art Gallery, 1970. 955,000 is the population of Vancouver in 1970.  Collection of Christos Dikeakos.

  1. 09. Ray Johnson portfolio from Concrete Poetry Catalogue
    Alvin Balkind, Ray Johnson, and Michael Morris (Book)
  2. 10. Literature - Transparent and Opaque from Concrete Poetry Catalogue
    Ian Wallace  (Book)
  3. 11. Exit Mural
    Intermedia  (Photograph)
  4. 12. Vancouver Mainland Ice and Cold Storage from Concrete Poetry Catalogue
    Alvin Balkind and bill bissett (Book)
  5. 13. Sea Monster Mask Dance - Ga-gish
    Chief Henry Speck (Painting)
  6. 14. Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer carving the frontal board of Haida Mortuary pole
    Doug Cranmer and Bill Reid (Photograph)
  7. 15. Concrete Poetry Catalogue